





March 23



Favourite music

All the Radiohead songs!

Radiohead - King of Limbs - From the Basement (Canal +) from Davidk2 on Vimeo.

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Favourite movies

Somewhere in Time, The Secret Garden, Sense and Sensibility, Notting Hill...

Favourite tv shows

All about RADIOHEAD , ED O' BRIEN, of course. Photobucket Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Favourite quotes

All about ED O' BRIEN, RADIOHEAD, always!  photo WowEdsupersexyhandsomeduringshowTourTkolMarch2012.jpg Photobucket Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket

On RHMB I am known as

natercia, natercia souza, naterciapsouza, natpsouza, Ed J O' Brien is so sexy!, Ed J O' Brien is so beautiful!, ED O' BRIEN IS SO SEXY!, ED O' BRIEN IS SO BEAUTIFUL!, I LOVE ED J O' BRIEN, I LOVE ED O' BRIEN, WE ALL LOVE ED J O' BRIEN!

On Mortigi Tempo I am known as

Maybe, Natercia.

To get to work/school I

Walk, Take the bus